Friday, February 22, 2008

Buenos Aires: Day 1

In Buenos Aires after a 16-hour plane journey. It was very un-epic, despite a tight connection in Houston. Leg cramps and soggy chicken. I missed a lunar eclipse that was apparently taking place outside. Not much else to report.

Until today, the plane trip was as far in the future as I could process. I was able to bring myself to pack largely because it didn’t make sense to take an overnight plane trip without luggage. But I wasn’t really thinking about what was going to happen once I got off the plane, except in the most abstract sense. Now that I’m here, it’s starting to sink in that maybe I’m going to be living in Argentina for the next five months.

The plane landed at a time that was either 12 or one in the afternoon. (The time change is confusing. During the Northern summer, there’s only an hour time difference between here and Connecticut, but during the Southern summer, which it is now, there’s three hours difference because of daylight savings time.) It didn’t take that long to go through Immigration and Customs, but then we met the group and waited for like, two hours for someone who had already left for the hotel. I spent most of the time talking to a Literature major from Williams.

I got to my room at around 3:30. I was too tired to find something to eat, so my lunch was an alfajor from a goody bag the program leaders gave us at check-in. (Caramel sandwiched between three cookies and then covered in chocolate.) My nap wasn’t long enough.

Dinner is at 8:30, so everyone in my room is just sitting around and killing time until then. I might take another nap.

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