Sunday, May 25, 2008


I have about nine million pages of reading to do. It's all in Spanish and about either genocide or avant garde-poetry. Here's a sample of a translation of Trilce, a poem by César Vallejo that we're reading in my Literatura Latinoamericano II class:

Finished the heated afternoon;
your great bay and your clamor; the chat
with your exhausted mother
who offered us a tea full of evening.

Finally finished everything: the vacations,
Your obedience of hearts, your way
of demanding that I not go out.

It goes on like this for 150 pages. I think that explains pretty succinctly why I decided to make a shutterfly account. You can access the pictures here. I'll label more of them after I'm done. Or after I decide that one more page of impenetrable babble about night-flavored tea might turn me off books for life. Whichever comes first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the photos. And if it is between labeling the photos and being turned off books for life, even I would say you should dodge your homework